Friday, August 26, 2016

Another "Vast Right-wing Conspiracy"

Another "Vast Right-wing Conspiracy" by Bill Wilson
In 1998, First Lady Hillary Clinton invoked the words "vast right-wing conspiracy" in defense of her husband, President Bill Clinton, amid the sex scandal that would eventually cause his impeachment. It has its own Wikipedia page. Bill Clinton also used the same terms when criticism was leveled at the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Now it has been brought out of the political bag of tricks again by Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to deflect the fact that she used her position as Secretary of State to enrich herself in a pay to play scheme.

AP and Judicial Watch have used Clinton's own emails to confirm that she and her aids demanded money in return for access to State Department meetings.
Whenever the Clintons come under fire, they roll out the victim card and tell the media that they are the brunt of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

The New York Times posted a video of Clinton responding to the AP/Judicial Watch bribery scheme confirmations by attacking her "opponent" as a racist, submitting to a "reemerging racist ideology known as the alt-right."

Clinton has avoided public appearances and media contact during this truth storm revealing her ongoing corruption and disregard for national security. When she finally came out of hiding, she employed this long-standing Clinton strategy-- answer allegations with smears and conspiracy theory, while claiming her opponent is smearing her.
When Clinton and the Democratic Party operatives smear their opponent with racist and bigot allegations, they really mean that anyone who votes for him is also a racist and a bigot. Nobody wants to be considered a racist or a bigot or part of some outrageous vast right-wing conspiracy or the alt right wing, whatever that is.

So the Clintons are trying to shame you into voting for her or not voting at all because while she may be the most corrupt candidate in recent memory, at least those who vote for her are not part of a vast right-wing, alt right, racist, bigot conspiracy.

That's how the left views Christians who are pro-life and believe in the right to bear arms. They have repeatedly said it.
The Clintons are expert at insinuation and painting a smear picture of their opponents. They are artful at making people lose their nerve to vote over fear of being labeled something unacceptable to society.

While claiming they are the victims of smear (which in reality is factual evidence of their wrong-doing), they smear others and label them so the non-thinking people will shy away.

This is their tried and true campaign strategy.

Don't take the bait.

Ephesians 5:6,7, says, "Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not you therefore partakers with them."

On election day, believers in Christ should hit the "alt-control-delete" button on the Clinton campaign against America, and not allow her to paint Christian Americans as "alt-right."

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